Gaia Frequency Brain Tuners (Schumann Resonance)

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Gaia Frequency Brain Tuners (Schumann Resonance)


Jonathan Goldman Healing Sound’s Tuning Forks

This special set uses the scientific principle of binaural beat frequencies to create entrainment with the 7.83 Hz. Schumann Resonance–the frequency of the electromagnetic field of the Earth–what we call the “Gaia Matrix“. Both visionary scientists and mystics believe that resonance with this extraordinary field enables attunement with the energy of our Mother Earth, expanding consciousness and bringing healing. The Gaia Frequency BRAINTUNERS are both peaceful & potent! Through using these tuning forks to tune the brain, it is possible to enhance connection with the planetary field, allowing you to enjoy what may well be one of the most powerful vibrations for healing and transformation!

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